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Making Bread & Honey

During your teenage years, you will find that money is scarce and you highly depend on your parents or guardians for upkeep or allowance. Sometimes the money is not enough to sustain your lifestyle. For fear of missing out (FOMO), you will want to buy the latest gadget, phone, shoes or outfit or go out with friends. Here, is when you start thinking of ways on how to get money as a teen to cover your expenses.

There is a bunch of money-making ideas for teens that are available in today’s world.

  1. Online jobs

The 21st -century technology has enabled you to make money using your smartphone- thanks to the availability and adaptability.  You will only need a smartphone or laptop and internet.  Most of these jobs are done at your own free time. Payment can be done daily, weekly or monthly through PayPal. Some of these jobs are:

  • Survey jobs

Survey jobs require you to answer some questions for research or market study. They pay around 0.50$ to 150$ depending on the task. Such platforms include GeoPoll, streetbees and surveyJunkie.

  • Play games

Before a video game or app is released to the market, the game creators first send it out to a few people to test it out. Be the first to test it and get paid.

  • Search the web

Market researchers will require your services to search the web for particular information and pay you after rendering the information needed

  • Test website

Web creators and developers will pay you for testing their website and for leaving a review, for example, usertesting.com

  • Social media influencer or marketer

Do you have more than a thousand followers on Instagram and Twitter? This could be your jackpot. Approach companies and see if they could partner with you to push their products in the market.

  • Sell your talent

We are all gifted with one, two or more talents- why don’t we turn our talents to money making machines. 

If you are gifted in photography, sell your images to platforms such as istock, shutterstock, bigstock , dreamstime  or agencies.

If you love baking, bake cakes and pastry and sell them to friends, family and shop outlets.

If you love art, sell your artistry, crafts, woodworks and jewelry and earn money. You will need to open an Etsy shop or sign up to Amazon, craigslist, eBay, Instagram or Facebook and sell your products.

  • Become a farmer

Farming is one way to earn money. You can decide to keep chicken and sell them when they mature or sell eggs. You can decide to rare rabbits and sell them or keep your hands dirty with soil and do the actual farming.

  • Do odd jobs

Doing odd jobs is one of the best ways on how to get money as a teen since money is paid once a particular task is completed. Odd jobs include babysitting, dog walking, washing cars, running errands, cleaning peoples housing and organizing people houses.

As a teenager, you cannot be broke all the time. The above jobs can help you earn that extra coin and become self-independent and have financial freedom.

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