Weekending in Nairobi
Life is for the living and during the holidays it is important that you find the balance between studying and experiencing new things, people or places. There is no better way to do this than to indulge in pocket friendly activities in a safe and ‘parent approved’ environment. You could try;
Cycling at The Karura forest: The forest is rich in natural backdrops that make it convenient for your recreational walks and picnics. There are also fun options you could try out such as a two-hour bike ride (for sh. 500) or a lazy walk on its nature trail with friends and family. All you will need to pay for you group is an entrance fee of sh.100 for adults and sh.50 for children.
Go karting: Is a great option for you if you are a car enthusiast who is yet to get a driving license. Go karting is a motorized sport where you drive a specialized motor cart on an indoor racing track. For an even greater thrill, you can organize to go with a group of friends and make it a competition. A ride around the kart will only set you back by Sh. 1000 and the best part is that you don’t even have to know how to drive!
Rock climbing- this is great mix of fun and exercise! It is also a test in determination and hard work if you enjoy picking life skills along the way. The indoor rock climbing range is located at Diamond Plaza and you can get to experience this for only Sh.1000.
Ice skating- Cold! Slippery! Yet lots of fun! And don’t agonize if you lack skating experience. The nice people at the ice skating rink at Panari Hotel can start you off with basic classes. Be sure to carry some warm clothing though.
Paint balling– This is the idea for you if you’re looking for a fun group activity. The Paintball Fury limited in Karen, Nairobi, offers a great fun activity that simulates armed combat as teams fight to take ownership of a flag without being shot at. You will get your protective gear such as overalls, headgear and chest and back protects once you purchase 100 paintballs for sh.1000.
Bawling- Village market in Nairobi recently opened its doors to a new bowling joint, ‘The village bowl’. Bowling is charged at sh.500 per game which can take up to 30 minutes depending on how fast you can play. The bowling alley is attracting large crowds as it a fairly new joint and the only one of its kind in the city. Tag your friends along for an even merrier time!
Zip lining- can be a very intimidating experience but the thrill of it is incomparable. You can zip line for 200metres at the Ngong hills for just sh. 1000. The Ngong hills also offer a variety of other activities such as hiking, picnic sites and archery for just Sh.200 (which is the park entrance fee)